Squash Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen
Squash Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen

SC Relax Harsewinkel 1 vs. SC The Drops 2

Verbandsliga Westfalen-Ost 2017/2018

Score Sheet

SC Relax Harsewinkel 1 : SC The Drops 2    Spielstand: 2:2  |  8:6  |  127:122
Pos. Player vs. Player 1.Game 2.Game 3.Game 4.Game 5.Game Games G-Points
1Andre Vogelpohl [702087] : Tobias Ahlbach [703062]11:711:711:53:033:19
2Luiz Miguel Caeiro Dos Santos [703152] : Jörn Hellweg [700762]11:711:411:63:033:17
3Martin Perdun [702092] : Siegfried Möller [703216]9:114:1111:711:814:162:349:53
4Hans-Josef Dillhage [702500] : Toralf Wendt [703551]3:111:118:110:312:33

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